4 Top Ranking Wellness Activities for Stress Down Day Friday 24th July

Join the thousands of workplaces across Australia celebrating Stress Down Day; promote the importance of healthy workplace culture, and commit to employee wellbeing by providing Massage, Meditation, and Yoga.

Friday 24th July 2020 is Stress Down Day! A fun and easy initiative designed to reduce stress and raise vital funds for Lifeline Australia. Stress Down Day promotes happiness, encourages connections with colleagues, and raises awareness of suicide prevention and mental health.

The day aims to encourage workplaces to set aside time to take a collective breath of fresh air and focus on our health and wellbeing. As our lives become more and more demanding, it’s essential to promote coping mechanisms like exercise, laughter, breathing techniques, and relaxing activities like massage, yoga, or meditation.

Research shows that 90% of Australians need to stress less – with 74% of people reporting being stressed from work. 

How can you take part?

Ready to join the thousands of workplaces and individuals across the country that are celebrating Stress Down Day in July?

Take advantage of this great opportunity for workplaces and promote a positive healthy workplace culture. Show your employees that you are committed to, and understand the importance of providing a working environment that prioritizes employee health and wellbeing. You and your team can take part in many ways.

Corporate Hands offers some of the top-ranking stress down day activities!
We can provide you with one, or all of the activities below for Friday 24th July.

  1. Corporate seated or roving massages
    The most popular activity to relax and boost morale
  2. Guided meditation class
    To rejuvenate the mind/body and find some quiet time
  3. Group yoga class
    To bring together a group of people to stretch, flex, and relax ….
  4. Mobile Massage
    Working from home? Ask us about our premium mobile massages!

The goal is to have fun, reduce stress, and bring everyone together. The current world climate has resulted in a lot of negative stress within workplaces, and at home.  Take the time to recognise the sign of stress, and support each other.

Signs of negative stress:

There are times when you won’t even know you are stressed until the adverse side effects start showing up. They may include:

  • Irritability and frustrating
  • Low energy
  • Procrastination
  • Body aches and pains
  • Headaches
  • Low energy
  • Anxiety and constant worries
  • Low mood

Make sure you know the symptoms and can recognise if you or your loved ones may be suffering from stress. Talking to someone and taking action will help to make changes for the better.

What you can do to reduce stress:

Exercise – be active!

    • Regular exercise will boost energy levels and assist with relaxation. It is a natural defence system against stress.

Talk it through!

    • Talking through your problems with others is a great way to help find solutions. So, open up, talk to a friend, a family member, a colleague, or anyone you feel comfortable with. They are likely to come up with some fresh ideas!

Healthy lifestyle

    • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is another way to help reduce stress.
    • Eating Healthy – Your body is your temple!
    • Get enough sleep – 7-8 hours every evening is the best immune booster
    • Cut down on alcohol – addictive substances are not good for stress

Relaxation techniques:

    • Daily meditation
    • Yoga class with your friends
    • Massage at work or home
    • Reading a good book
    • Going for a long walk

Book in Today and Receive 5% off with Corporate Hands Wellness Solutions.

If you or someone you know is feeling or behaving very stressed, please call Lifeline on
13 11 14 or visit www.lifeline.org.au/gethelp.

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