Mental Health Week

Mental Health Week is here! All across Australia and worldwide, October is the month to hone in on making mental health a priority in our communities and workplaces. World Mental Health Day this year falls on Monday 10 October and each state recognises this occurrence slightly differently. Mental Health Week is recognised in Queensland, Tasmania, and Western Australia, while the ACT, New South Wales, the NT, South Australia, and Victoria use the whole month of October to promote positive mental health.

Mental Health Matters

If you are managing a team, there are plenty of ways that you can recognise Mental Health Week to promote the importance of well-being. Healthy and happy employees are likely to be more productive and will have lower absenteeism rates. When one of the team is struggling with their mental health, the effects can ripple around the team. Colleagues become worried or uncertain about how they can help. When your workplace values and invests in employee well-being, there will be higher levels of morale and greater employee engagement across the organisation. Mental Health Week is the perfect time to raise awareness, deliver mindfulness activities and reiterate how much you value each employee’s health.

Look after you Mental Health Australia

Mental Health Australia is spreading the word this Mental Health Week with the simple theme “Look after your mental health Australia”. Their site is full of tips that can help promote personal well-being such as staying hydrated, getting an early night, enjoying creative hobbies and limiting screen time where possible. There are also lots of ways you can promote well-being in the workplace and Mental Health Week is a great time to get involved.

This October, as we think about mental health week and the spotlight is on well-being, why not arrange a corporate health service from Corporate Hands? We can attend your workplace and provide tailored massage services to your staff. Show them that you care about their health and want to make Mental Health Week meaningful this year.

Established in 2008, Corporate Hands helps you to create a more mindful corporate environment.

From our seated chair massage services to our on-site health checks, we provide 100% complete

corporate wellness programs throughout all of Australia. We can come to your business location in

several areas:

  • Adelaide
  • Darwin
  • Perth
  • Melbourne
  • Sydney
  • Brisbane

You can learn more about our serviced locations here.

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