R U OK? Day 2021

With 2021 shaping up to be a year just as challenging as the previous one, this year’s R U
OK? Day, on Thursday 9th September, is more vital to support than ever

With the continuing pandemic causing distress in the lives of Australians, their families, their
workplaces and their mental wellbeing, employers should continue to play a pivotal support
role in encouraging fun and inclusive activities to ensure their staff stay connected during
these ongoing unprecedented times.

By becoming an R U OK? Workplace Champion, you can build a culture where everyone
feels safe, supported and encouraged. The R U OK website has a super-helpful resource
pack to help equip you with everything you need for this important role.
If this isn’t for you, even just by asking “R U OK?”, whether it’s socially distanced, via text, or
over Zoom, you could be helping to support someone by allowing them to share their
struggles, leading to early intervention and reduced suicide rates.

Check-in and Ask…R U OK?

Are you wondering how to ask, “R U OK?”? It’s not always easy to keep the conversation
going, but it’s important to listen; empathise; encourage action and check-in along the way.
And if a peer is not OK? Then the R U OK website lists lots of ways to ask questions,
support and give guidance, along with getting expert help when conversations get too big.
In the workplace, you can bring teams together and help with support, morale and feeling
great! Corporate Hands have been empowering workplaces to feel their best for over ten
years. Consider some of these brilliant ways we can help your teams connect and improve
wellness in a way that’s unique for your business:

4 Top Wellness Activities for your Workplace

Corporate Massage – Massage promotes increased feelings of wellbeing, social connection
and team morale, and we offer it seated in a chair, roving, or even mobile if you’re working
from home.

Corporate Yoga – Proven to strengthen, restore energy and provide emotional balance,
stretch and re-set with our corporate yoga classes, tailored to all levels, and a great way to
build and bond teams.

Corporate Meditation Like yoga, our corporate meditation classes are a fantastic way to
relieve stress, improve mental stability, sleep and clarity through finding balance and breath.

Onsite Health Checks –Corporate Hands’ qualified health professionals can provide your
employees with comprehensive health checks and personalised, confidential advice,
empowering your employees to take care of their mental health and seek further support if

These activities, along with open peer-to-peer conversations, will encourage a positive R U
OK? Culture, enabling everyone to feel safe and supported. And if you need more help on
what to do if someone you know is not OK, click here